True Value

The only cleaning score dedicated to the multi family industry

Our unique Shyne Score is more than just a rating. Think of it as a badge of honor for apartments that consistently maintain the highest standards of cleanliness. Not only does this score empower tenants to make informed decisions, but it also provides a platform for apartments to showcase their dedication to a clean and healthy living environment. We developed a free tool to allow our apartment communities to stand out from the rest. Once you claim your profile, simply share your community link with current tenants to determine areas of excellence or improvement. Our algorithm will then incorporate your tenant testimonials, industry standards, and our commitment to excellence to deliver your Shyne Score - a transparent, merit-based rating of your cleanliness

We streamline and automate the make-ready process for apartments and vendors

Shyne Network gives you access to a dashboard that allows you to schedule cleaners, painters and groundskeepers with a click of a button. We handle the rest from there!

Get an appointment

Choose the professional service and time that works for you

Get Confirmation

We will notify you when we have matched a service professional to your project

Get Services

Shyne will automate invoicing, documentation, and more

Match with a professional

Cleaning Services

Completed Projects: 353

Painting Services

Completed Projects: 522

Graffiti Removal

Completed Projects: 250

Why Shyne?

Impress tenants, inspire employees, and create a space that fosters success.

At Shyne, We believe in the transformative power of clean. A spotless and safe environment is at the top of tenants priority list. That's where we come in - Not only do we help showcase the cleanliness of your community, we can also act as your trusted partner in creating a pristine and refreshing atmosphere!

Experience the Difference

A high Shyne Score signifies a commitment to tenant well-being and a dedication to creating a space where they can thrive.

Time Efficiency

Through automation, appointments can be quickly arranged, and tasks required to turn an apartment can be efficiently assigned. This streamlines the entire process.

Consistent Quality

Our custom built-in checklist ensures that tasks are performed consistently to a high standard. By setting predefined checklists and standards, automated systems help maintain a level of quality.

Be the Part of shyne Network Team

Join Shyne Network and Learn the Secrets of Cleaning

Get started today and join the Shyne Score team. Learn the secrets of cleaning like a professional and make your dreams of becoming a Professional come true.

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Efficiency is Key When You Work With Professionals

At ShyneNetwork, every task is executed with precision, ensuring top-tier results. Whether it’s cleaning or painting, we believe in efficiency.